important information

Important information before the puppy purchase
The ethics in dog breeding

Puppy purchase should be considered. Please read the following lines in peace and then decide whether a dog is suitable for you.

The Teckel is the smallest and most versatile hunting dog. Under the earth he is standing by his fox and badger, as a hunting dog, and in his search. As a family dog, he is always alert, loyal and sociable. His attitude is straightforward, he loves to drive a car and is often seen everywhere with good upbringing. He grows up with children, grows with them and has a particularly good relationship with them.
Daily exercise must also have a tittle, even if he sometimes gets by with a little less. He is not a kennel dog. Although it may occasionally be necessary for him to stay there for hours, but for a life as a family or as a hunting dog only kept in a kennel would let him mentally stunt. Before you buy a dog, no matter which breed, consider: A dog is a living being and has a right to care. At the same time, you take on a commitment that not only brings joy but also sometimes inconvenience and worry. Please check if you have enough empathy and discipline to live up to the animal.
Take these questions calmly:

Am I ready to go to a dachshund for 12 to 15 years?

I have at least 2-3 hours for him every day
Walks, care, employment

Is he never alone for more than 4 hours despite my job?

Who cares for him when I'm sick

May I keep a dog in my apartment?

Does the lease permit an acquisition?

Are all family members ready to take on duties?

Am I ready to walk with the dog in wind and weather
to go?

Can and I want the costs for food, insurance and
Take over vet?

Are there allergies among family members?

What distinguishes a reputable dog breeder?

A good breeder distinguishes above all the love for the pet dog. He lives with his dogs, knows about their needs, about the basics of a proper attitude, rearing, the education and socialization of his offspring. Through his experience, he is also aware of health problems, precautionary measures and first aid measures and he is often the first point of contact for the puppy buyer, if he has problems with the new housemate.

Above all, it should be a good breeder to find the right buyer for his puppies - to advise the dog attention before buying properly, to check whether the buyer can meet certain conditions for holding a dog and the newly baked dog buyers later to stand by with help and advice. Should a bad buy or a bad sale turn out, he is morally obliged to take back the puppy or to find a suitable place for him.

For a dog breeder to meet these requirements, he needs time, space and certain financial prerequisites. He should only keep so many dogs that can be looked after, cared for, employed and included in the daily routine of a family. This also includes older and sick dogs, which usually remain in the breeder household.

The success of a dog breed must be above its own success. Reputable breeding, from the point of view of genetics, means maintaining and improving the health and functionality of a breed

So you can distinguish a reputable dog breeder from a dubious breeder.

A serious breeder:
Invites you to your home, so that you the litter, the mother and the other dogs

and get to know their living environment
* Only offers puppies for sale that make a healthy and well-groomed impression
* can show papers for every single dog from his breed
* Inquire about your living circumstances to find out if you are ever in
are able to hold a dog
* does not usually give you a puppy right away
* advises you about the characteristics of "his" breed
* Do not chatter on a puppy if you are still undecided
* can not sell puppies at any time - many breeders have "waiting lists"
and let her bitch cover only when she has found suitable puppy buyers
* advises you on the nutritional needs of your puppy
* sells his puppies only several times dewormed, vaccinated with vaccination certificate and
health certificate
* The puppy is basically tipped or tattooed
* does not give his puppies until at least the ninth week of life
* does not pull over competitive breeders
* concludes a sales contract with you, which contains at least the following information:
a) the full name and address of seller and buyer
b) Name, date of birth, breed book number, tattoo / chip number of the puppy
c) Health status of the puppy and possible defects
d) Purchase price and payment method
e) Delivery date of the puppy
f) You get an initial supply with: collar and leash,
Cuddle cloth, toys, food

It is generally advisable to obtain information about the breeder of his dream puppy. For example, in the breed dog club in which he is a member. We are a member of (DTK 1888 eV)

But also on the Internet can be found with the help of search engines and the entry of the kennel name and / or the breeders name a lot of insightful information.

If possible, visit several serious breeders of your desired breed, before you decide for your puppy. The chosen dog will accompany you as a loyal friend for at least a decade and a careful selection, not only of his origin, but also of his personality, are the best conditions for the purchase of a dog puppy

The tiresome topic - what does a puppy cost?
Why do puppies from the reputable breeder have their price?

Responsible dog breeding requires a high financial and time intensive effort.
A breeder must meet certain conditions and obligations in advance to become a member of a breed dog association (DTK 1888 eV), so that his puppies can receive proper papers. Before he can even sell a litter, he has done a lot of advance work. The purchase price of a breeding bitch, breeding fees, veterinary costs, the birth and rearing of the puppies, the proper nutrition, the deworming, the vaccinations and so on.

In professional circles are about 900 euros on average for a puppy just as "cost-covering", if, taking into account all the requirements of animal welfare, the dog-friendly attitude and breeding ethics is bred.

Especially if you search for dog breeders and puppies in general search engines, you will stumble again and again on the websites of mass breeders and dog dealers. Before you fall for their popular slogans, you should inform yourself about certain machinations
Pedigree dogs are becoming increasingly popular. But who wants to call a purebred Teckelwelpen own, must expect a purchase price of at least 900 and 1500.00 EURO, depending on size, color, etc.

In such amounts, of course, dubious propagators are not far away, the puppies - especially straight current modassen - from dubious sources for "bargain price" offer (see also websites on mass breeders and dog dealers).

Caution is advised when buying a dog if:
*a breeder offers several breeds
*Puppies over a third below the "usual market price" are offered
Hands off when buying a dog if:

the puppy is offered cheaper if you would do without papers
*The seller did not breed the dog himself
*the mother dog is not to be visited
*the puppy is under eight weeks old when handed over
the puppy should be handed over in a parking lot or similar
* Puppies and mother bitch live exclusively in the kennel or even in the cage
* a puppy has diarrhea, is emaciated and generally neglected
* a puppy is extremely anxious and tired
* Dogs can be offered on the Internet at the click of a mouse "into the dog basket"

Dogs for the "bargain price" rarely have papers of one recognized dog association , Most of the puppies come from backyard propagators or illegal foreign imports. There was no emphasis on health, endurance, socialization and other breeding aspects when mating the parent animals. The mother bitch is usually kept in catastrophic hygienic circumstances and ekes out her sad life as puppy-throwing machines; her puppies are neither dewormed nor vaccinated.

Not infrequently, such puppies are already ill when they are handed over to the puppy buyer. Many suffer from genetic defects or infections that lead to death in the first few months of life.

Buying a puppy at a dumping price can cost the puppy buyer dearly. Veterinary bills of several thousand euros and often a far too short, severely affected by illness dog life, are not uncommon.

So: Please invest a few euros more for a dog from a reputable dog breed - do not save in the wrong place. Do not go for pity purchases - even if it's hard! They help to spoil the business of rogue dog dealers - and thus make a real contribution to animal welfare. In addition, if you have evidence of a dubious dog dealer or catastrophic dog ownership, pass this information to animal welfare. Help unscrupulous people to do their jobs ..
The development phases of the puppy
With her leaving the protective womb, life in this world begins with a thin scream for the puppies. The mouth opens wide, the tongue protruding, and the first stream of air that comes out of her chest sends some mucus from the airways. As soon as the maternal tongue releases it, the puppy crawls with determination on its stomach to the mother's belly, and after a short or long search he finds the sources of milk. His subsequent smacking is unmistakable.

1st to 14th day of life - vegetative phase

Congenital behaviors: kicking, mouth opening, shouting, so-called circular creep (the puppies move only in a circle, which prevents them from moving too far from the camp), seek swinging with the head, fur drilling, milk kick, stalking, odor on teats, licking eyes Contact with teats, still no need for social contacts, blind, sense of smell still poorly developed.

14. until the 21st day of life - transitional phase

At the beginning of the third week of life, the puppy's eyes and ear canals open. However, until the puppy is able to process visual and auditory stimuli from his environment, it will take until the end of the third week of life. Only then will these environmental stimuli be of importance to the puppy. The first contact with humans is especially important at this stage. Cuddling and caressing feels every dog as pleasant, and it takes place so the first positive link with the sight of man. With regard to his motor skills, the puppy gets more and more practice and towards the end of the transition phase it comes to the first controlled movement sequences, as well as to independent and localized urination and koten. The sleep periods are shorter, and there is interaction between the puppies, which goes beyond the "lying in the bed" and "balling". Also between mother and puppy the quality of the interactions changes.

With the independent and localized urination and killing, an important process begins with regard to the later housebrokenness: the imprinting on the ground when leaving - ie which soil the dog later feels most like under his paws, while he sets urine and feces. This preference will last a lifetime. Probably the owner, who buys his puppy from a breeder, who offers the puppies as early as possible a variety of substrates for retirement.

In the third week it may be quiet something like tiles or newspaper - from the fourth at the latest it should be but mainly soil, leaves, grass or straw. Basically, the young dogs then almost all by themselves housebroken. Small mishaps in the apartment are overlooked and discreetly wiped.

4th to 7th week of life - stamping phase

The imprinting phase is the most important part of a puppy's life, as far as the development of his being is concerned. Positive as well as negative experiences and experiences characterize his character and are decisive for his later behavior. The sense organs are now fully developed. At the beginning of the embossing phase, the puppies start their first attempts to leave the camp. Although they are still awkward on their legs, but the strides continue, and the previous crawling soon belongs to the past. The puppies also begin to make vocalizations such as the growls and barks they make when playing with the siblings.

The bellowing and romping together is soon the most popular occupation, which they indulge in with delight. Often a duel looks like a dangerous biting, but do not worry, nothing will happen. Everything is more or less a game or a test, how far you can go with such a little brawl. The young dogs now also learn the expressive behavior such as show off or humility gestures to express themselves and to understand the siblings. It is usually observed in a puppy, that a leader peels out, who has a tight grip on the matter in every fight and hardly shows submissive. Also, the little ones often involve the mother in their games. If the bitch is attacked too much, she fights back a bit roughly. The puppies must learn to accept painful measures. And at some point the whole family is snuggled up close to each other peacefully in the whelping box.

Crucial to his later attachment to humans are the contacts that a puppy has with the humans during the imprinting phase, be it with the breeder, his family or other dog lovers who occasionally come by to look at the little ones. The puppy must not be affected by any human being during this phase. Small children are therefore never allowed to be left unattended in the dog nursery because they are usually too awkward to handle the puppies. The first playful contact of humans should be limited to scratching and stroking. As often as possible, the puppies are given the opportunity to sniff their hands, lick them, and sometimes put their fingers in the mouth. Not only family members should be included in the daily physical contact, but also foreigners for the puppies. In doing so, you can be sure to raise sociable dogs and give them the most important things for their future dog life: trust in humans.

Later, the game is expanded and the puppy's prey is addressed, for example by moving objects such as rags, sticks or balls, which they soon try to grab. If the ground conditions permit, you lie down on the ground from time to time, letting the puppies crawl on you. It is a great pleasure for them and promotes trust and contact.

Mistakes that are made during the treatment of small dogs in the embossing phase, can usually not be reversed, so that the breeder has a special responsibility during this time.

8th to 12th week of life - The socialization phase

It is particularly important for the development of the young dog and its ability to adapt to its environment and especially to humans. At the beginning of this phase, the puppy usually comes to his new environment and to his new owner. He learns the first education and must adapt to his new Mutual Association. The focus of this stage of development is on playful learning. However, first taboos are set, with the normal sized puppy showing willingness to recognize authority unless he is bounced and intimidated by improper treatment. Of course, unpleasant influences and experiences are kept away from him. Especially in this time, a puppy learns very fast, but you should work on positive reinforcement with the puppy, ie desired behavior is praised and rewarded by playing, stroking or treats, so that this behavior in anticipation of amenities is always shown by the puppy , Unwanted behavior is stopped immediately in the act. Usually a sharp, in a deep, energetic voice spoken "no" already enough to dissuade the puppy of his intentions. The puppies are still easily influenced in this phase. It's a pleasure to work with them. The willingness to follow his master or mistress and recognize them as the boss should make the new owners take advantage. If the dog has a good breeder, he will always keep upbringing advice and tips.

13th to 16th week of life - Ranking phase

In this phase, the authority of the "parents" and their own rank within the pack are checked. It is important to gently but consistently refer the young dog to its place in the family.

5th to 6th month of life - Rudelordnungsphase

Now common hunting is practiced, trips are made, hunting games are common. The owner of the dog must also replace the pack here and take over these tasks.
At this age there is no so-called puppy protection anymore. Puppy protection exists anyway only in a pack (ie parents with children).

7th month of life - puberty phase

Males now lift their legs for the first time, bitches "make friends" with a male during the first heat, rivals are driven away vigorously by growling and biting. Too intense fighting should be with calm and consistency
be prevented
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