The tiresome topic - what does a puppy cost?
Why do puppies from the reputable breeder have their price?
Responsible dog breeding requires a high financial and time intensive effort.
A breeder must meet certain conditions and obligations in advance to become a member of a breed dog association (DTK 1888 eV), so that his puppies can receive proper papers. Before he can even sell a litter, he has done a lot of advance work. The purchase price of a breeding bitch, breeding fees, veterinary costs, the birth and rearing of the puppies, the proper nutrition, the deworming, the vaccinations and so on.
In professional circles are about 900 euros on average for a puppy just as "cost-covering", if, taking into account all the requirements of animal welfare, the dog-friendly attitude and breeding ethics is bred.
Especially if you search for dog breeders and puppies in general search engines, you will stumble again and again on the websites of mass breeders and dog dealers. Before you fall for their popular slogans, you should inform yourself about certain machinations
Pedigree dogs are becoming increasingly popular. But who wants to call a purebred Teckelwelpen own, must expect a purchase price of at least 900 and 1500.00 EURO, depending on size, color, etc.
In such amounts, of course, dubious propagators are not far away, the puppies - especially straight current modassen - from dubious sources for "bargain price" offer (see also websites on mass breeders and dog dealers).
Caution is advised when buying a dog if:
*a breeder offers several breeds
*Puppies over a third below the "usual market price" are offered
Hands off when buying a dog if:
*the puppy is offered cheaper if you would do without papers
*The seller did not breed the dog himself
*the mother dog is not to be visited
*the puppy is under eight weeks old when handed over
the puppy should be handed over in a parking lot or similar
Puppies and mother bitch live exclusively in the kennel or even in the cage
a puppy has diarrhea, is emaciated and generally neglected
a puppy is extremely anxious and tired
Dogs can be offered on the Internet at the click of a mouse "into the dog basket"
Dogs for the "bargain price" rarely have papers of one
recognized dog association
, Most of the puppies come from backyard propagators or illegal foreign imports. There was no emphasis on health, endurance, socialization and other breeding aspects when mating the parent animals. The mother bitch is usually kept in catastrophic hygienic circumstances and ekes out her sad life as puppy-throwing machines; her puppies are neither dewormed nor vaccinated.
Not infrequently, such puppies are already ill when they are handed over to the puppy buyer. Many suffer from genetic defects or infections that lead to death in the first few months of life.
Buying a puppy at a dumping price can cost the puppy buyer dearly. Veterinary bills of several thousand euros and often a far too short, severely affected by illness dog life, are not uncommon.
So: Please invest a few euros more for a dog from a reputable dog breed - do not save in the wrong place. Do not go for pity purchases - even if it's hard! They help to spoil the business of rogue dog dealers - and thus make a real contribution to animal welfare. In addition, if you have evidence of a dubious dog dealer or catastrophic dog ownership, pass this information to animal welfare. Help unscrupulous people to do their jobs ..