Comanche Indigo

German Junior Winner 2013
Dt. JCh VDH 2013
Dt. JCh DTK 2013
Comanche Indigo from Krummholz 12T0525K


WT: 10.09.2012 FW: v / V
BHP 1, Sfk, Wa.-T

PRA and cataract from 28.01.2016 o. B.
PRA and cataract of 29.11.2018 oB
DNA and proof of identity
Non Merle
Reinerbig shorthair
No equipment carrier of the color thinning gel Dilution
Digo stands for bloody bitches, also tiger bitches,
as stud dog available.

Isis vom Krummholz
03.05.2018 ~ WS 5,3
Kennel "vom Krummholz"
Neele vom Hallwanger Silberberg
29: 04: 2018 * WS: 3.5
Kennel: vd Windwalkern
Neele vom Hallwanger Silberberg
12.09.2017 * WS: 3,5
Kennel: vd Windwalkern
Condoleeza from the Porta Westfalica
24.05.2015 * WS: 1,1
Kennel: vd Porta Westfalica
Merle vom Moselkrampen
26.03.2016 * WS: 4,2
Kennel: vom Moselkrampen
Engels Rita Hayworth
22.09.2016 * WS: 3,5
Kennel: Mon Repos
Simona from the Krummholz
18.08.2015 * WS: 4,5
Kennel: from Krummholz

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